The Déco Collection reflects the panache and style, elegant lines and striking motifs of this movement.
The Déco Collection reflects the panache and style, elegant lines and striking motifs of this movement.
The Déco Collection is inspired by the Arts Décoratifs movement (Art Déco) that flourished between 1910 and 1939. It remains wonderfully evocative of that era: swinging jazz bands, opulent ocean cruise liners, giddying skyscrapers, glamorous hotel interiors and the early days of air travel. Art Déco was a truly international and pioneering style. Its dream was to bridge the divide between high art and the everyday world. And its style of architecture and design remains a highly visible presence in so many of the world’s skylines (most famously in New York), underground stations (as in London) and public buildings (from Buenos Aires to Shanghai).
Art Déco is an inspiring emblem for an inclusive and pluralistic approach to design. It celebrates the multi-cultural world with an eclectic mélange of styles, marrying tradition and modernity, artisanal craft and contemporary techniques of production. Functionality is coupled with dazzling ornament, the geometrical elegance of Cubism united with motifs from African, Asian or Oceanic art and sculpture, and the bold and playful colours of Fauvism are offset by formal abstraction. This unique approach and distinctive aesthetic has guided our endeavours and is richly reflected in our Déco Collection.
“Astaire” Night Cigar Humidor from the Déco Collection is in two tones of sycamore wood, with striking white geometric lines set against a charcoal grey background, and has an oudourless Okumé interior.
“Astaire” Day Cigar Humidor from the Déco Collection is made of white sycamore wood with striking black geometric lines, and has an oudourless Okumé interior.