The Tea Humidor plaques can be personalized with initials/letters/characters/numbers with a limit of up to 12 characters in two possible fonts as indicated on our product page.
Personalisation of the Tea Humidor plaques is an optional service that can be requested on the product page and at check out. There is further information displayed on the product page for the item. At check out, you can select and preview your chosen characters and/or symbols for each product before adding it to your basket.
Personalisation is offered as a complimentary service and is free of charge.
If you choose to personalize your tea plaques, it is not possible to change, return, exchange or cancel your order. This does not affect your statutory rights.
If you have any queries, or if we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
Go to My Account and sign into your account using your email address and password. Click 'Account Details' and update, remembering to 'Save Changes'. For security purposes, we may request further information to verify your identity.
Please visit My Account, select 'Sign in' and then 'Forgotten password?'. We will email you a new password. For security purposes, we may request further information to verify your identity.
Yes, our customer service team will be able to process your order over the phone in most cases. If you wish to use a payment method that cannot be accepted over the phone but can be accepted online, we will be able to create a shopping bag for you containing your chosen items.
Where we create a shopping bag for you, we will send you an email with a link to your shopping bag. By clicking on the link, you will be able to access your shopping bag and complete your order using your preferred payment method. The items in your shopping bag will only be secured for you after payment has been taken and your items have been shipped.
You will receive an order acknowledgement email within 24 hours. Please Contact Us with your order details if you do not receive this email. Please note this is not an acceptance of your order. Kindly note that your order cannot be considered accepted until you have received this email confirmation.
For queries about out of stock items, please Contact Us.
Orders can be cancelled (excluding personalized or monogrammed items) in accordance with your statutory rights. Please contact us within 14 days from the day after the date on which the item in question was ordered and follow the instructions in Returns & Cancellations.
Due to the personal and exclusive nature of personalized and monogrammed items, returns, changes or cancellations are not accepted once an order has been placed. This does not affect your statutory rights.
Your order will be processed and a confirmation email sent on shipping. On delivery, if any items are unsuitable and meet the Return Conditions, please follow the instructions in Returning your Purchase.
Purchases and shipping costs are charged in the nominated currency of the shipping destination for the following three currencies. For destinations using other currencies, transactions will be based on the EURO price. Please see below:
Your card or other methods of payment will not be charged until your order is accepted and shipped. Payment will be taken for personalized or monogrammed items at the time of or shortly after you submit your order and therefore in advance of shipping.
No, tax on purchases made on cannot be recovered through the VAT retail Export Scheme.
Delivery times are estimates and commence from the date of shipping, rather than the date of order. Delivery times are to be used as a guide only and are subject to the acceptance and approval of your order. An estimated delivery time for your order will be available to view in checkout. Delivery can take longer than expected due to customs clearance procedures in certain countries.
Please allow additional time for personalized or bespoke items. An estimated delivery time for your order will be available to view in checkout.
Please select your preferred shipping destination for shipping options, delivery times, shipping costs and all other information. Please note different Terms & Conditions may apply for different shipping destinations.
Please note: we do not deliver to freight forwarding addresses or PO Boxes.
Working days are Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays in the UK and your chosen shipping destination.
All orders are shipped from the UK.
Please allow additional time for personalized or monogrammed items. An estimated delivery time for your order will be available to view in checkout.
Please note: Orders placed after the cut-off times or on weekends and public holidays will be processed on the following working day.
Free returns are available in the UK. Please note it is not possible to return personalized or bespoke items.
Purchases must be returned from the original shipping country with the original Returns Form.
Items returned must be in their unused original condition with all Lotusier item tags attached and any related accessories or instruction booklets included with its original packaging material.
Incomplete, damaged, worn, soiled or altered returns or anything we at Lotusier reasonably believe has been used, will not be accepted and will, therefore, be sent back to the customer.
On receipt of a return, we will process the refund as soon as possible. We estimate refunds will be made by the provider of your payment method within 7-10 working days. Working days are Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays.